
Dear Parents,
Education at DAV MUKHYAMANTRI PUBLIC SCHOOL, KUDKAI, PENDRA is designed to meet the needs of each individual student and I am passionate about students being empowered to succeed. My role as Principal is to keep up with latest trends and be an active partner in the school's professional development. I use all tools available to inspire staff, students and community to work together to promote student achievement and well-being. To increase the degree of educational success, it is very important that teachers, parents, and administrators communicate openly and frequently concerning the progress of students. We all want the best for your children, but we are not enough. You, the parents, must play a key role in the education of your children. Your words of encouragement, a hug when the day has been rough, your interest in your children’s work, and your frequent visit at school are vital.
Parents count ! Come to school, meet us, talk to us, join the P.T.O. and volunteer your time and energy. Your involvement will show your children that you value their education. Let’s work together!
DAV Mukhyamantri Public School,
Kudkai, Pendra